Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Pain builds Character?

I put my retainers in this week. I have not worn them since last fall, and consequently, my teeth have moved out of the beautiful positions into which my orthodontic work placed them years ago. Moving teeth hurts. Braces or retainer, the result is the same: pain, pain, and more pain. Combined with the inability to eat solid or hard food, I think my current experience will have a four-fold result.
1. I will have a pretty smile :)
2. I will lose weight as I eat mashed potatoes and Ibuprofen this week.
3. The imbalance of money in my cafeteria account will increase since I'm not buying anything.
4. I will build character. Many characters. And then I will keep them locked up in the trunk of a Volkswagen Beetle.

If you once suffered from braces- wear your retainer habitually! *Or be prepared for pain*

Monday, November 29, 2004

The Cheddarwurst -again-

They had Cheddarwurst today in the Caf. I learned my lesson at the beginning of the year, so today I ate mashed potatoes.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Giving Thanks for What You've Got

Generally, when there is something you lack, you become thankful for what you have. The metaphorical eyeglasses of want often help in seeing those things usually taken for granted. Yet in a land of plenty, when you are offered more, you have a tendency to realize just how much you have in a world you take for granted.

This Thanksgiving, I can't decide whether I am thankful for the school cafeteria that fills me unconditionally or not. Having unlimited coffee, ice cream, and deserts on a daily basis satiates the temporal hunger, yet it also makes a person think of coffee, ice cream, and daily deserts as mundane.

Today, as my Mom prepared a sumptuous Thanksgiving dinner, I felt guilty for declining her offer of coffee and pie. Truth be told, I just didn't feel like coffee, contrary to my custom of jumping at the offer on most other holidays and family gatherings. I guess I've had too much of it recently to value what my Mom takes pride in offering.

Is the Evelyn Young Dining Room a place of good food and contentment or is it a place of gluttony, and a perversion of the meaning of the "land of plenty?”

Monday, November 22, 2004

A Rude Surprise at 9 am

Joy of Joys, my Biblical Traditions teacher cancelled class for this whole week (all 2 days of class)!!! That's the 8 am class that hasn't been cancelled once yet this semester.

While reveling in my limited ability to sleep in, I realized that my body clock was off. So was my roommate's, which is apparently dependant on my obnoxious 7am alarm. She made it to class in time, and so did I, after falling asleep in my comfy chair while in the process of getting dressed.

I was also severly deprived of the time and the wi-fi connection to post a blog. For those of you that have recently reamed me for not blogging: here you go. Many apologies. This one is crap.

Despite the additional sleep, and the freedom of time that I had, I still accomplished nothing. NOTHING! I don't feel like doing anything. It doesn't seem to matter. Not even the social and academic change my friend and I are trying to enact.


Thursday, November 18, 2004


My roommate's favorite soap opera is "Passions."

Its on every day when I get back from class.

I find that the more of a soap opera you watch, the less sense it makes.

As my Spanish teacher would say: "It doesn't have sense."

So if you want to keep your sanity. Time is on your side. Don't watch more than one episode of a soap opera.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Be Careful What You Wish For

My 10:30 class got cancelled today. I'm bummed.

"Why?" you ask. "You're a perfectly normal college student, always wishing class would get cancelled, the test would be postponed, and no homework would be assigned."

"Yes" I say. " But the proactive teacher always assigns extra work when class is cancelled."

I have a proactive teacher. She is so sick that she can't teach class, which is fine by me. Little by little, that class becomes less and less enjoyable. She is, however, not sick enough to not assign anything. So, for homework this time, we have to write a 2-3-page reflection on the reading that was due for today. Ok. That sounds easy enough. How-do-you-feel work can always make me pissed off enough to meet writing requirements. But! I didn't read the assignment very well, nor did I understand it. The discussion in class today was going to be my saving grace, my epiphany into the right answer for the theme of that essay. So, now I have to read the work AGAIN, write on it, read another essay for Thursday's class, and complete a more significant writing assignment for next Tuesday.

"You're a slacker!" You say.

Maybe I am. In fact, it’s more than likely that I am. But I am still irritated by the excessive workload that this relatively undemanding class is suddenly springing upon me in this, the last full week before Thanksgiving. I know that troubles come in bunches of grapes, but I don't need it proven to me, once again. Thus, between yesterday and the beginning of Thanksgiving Break, I will have taken Three tests, written Four papers {the fact that only three of them are in English doesn't help} and completed a research project that was assigned last Thursday. My grapes are sour!

All I have to say is that the month of December BETTER be easy. Cuz time management isn't one of those things I came to college to learn. Working 30 hours a week and being a full-time high school student last year put the cap on the time management-ing I'd been doing since 8th grade.

I'm not angry. If anything, I'm depressed. Pathetic circumstances make a person feel less than a person. I am a number. 0510573. And if you memorize that, you can go to the caf and buy food with my meal plan. Please do!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Fruit Loops

The main issue one has to consider when eating cereal out of a cup is the trouble one encounters when one's spoon isn't long enough to reach the bottom.

Thats why someone invented bowls, I think. Its very hard to carry around milk on a plate.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Sunscreen Helps

My cheeks are glowing red, my nose could be mistaken for Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer's, and my face is burning. Well, the lower half is. The upper half has mercifully escaped the murderous rays of the sun god as they bounce up from the crystalline white ski slope and scorch the unprotected faces of eager snow sport enthusiasts. *Except the idiots on "snowbikes" who deserve to be scorched, cut of, run into trees, and kicked off the mountain.*

What I'm really saying is that I have "Goggles Tan," a phenomenon the occurs when one goes snowboarding, wearing a hat, goggles and other necessary gear, and somehow forgets to apply sunscreen to the lower half of one's uncovered face. Actually, right now, I have something resembling "Goggles Burn" but it will turn into a nice, handsome tan in a few days. I assure you!

Moral of the story: Mom is usually right.

Monday, November 01, 2004

The Paperclip, again

-Once again-

Clippit’s words of wisdom!

I should have a blog page dedicated to this paperclip! I seem to be writing about him very often. It seems that the rip-off tip I got stating “this is the last tip” was a hint that the never-ending list of start-up tips was about to start over.

Today’s tip: “You can hurt yourself if you run with scissors.”

I beg to differ, O sentient paperclip. Though there seems to be a current social stigma against running with scissors, sponsoring a plethora of punk t-shirts, stickers, etc, one can carry scissors while running a marathon without hurting themselves. The danger of scissors is not inherent to the fact that they are meant to cut paper and not be one’s running companions, but to an incredible social misuse of the human process of thought in which one generally fails to rationalize the situation involving scissors, another situation involving running, and yet another situation involving danger and injury.

Indeed, the great problem with scissors is that when one falls on them, one will most likely injure ones self. The greater the velocity that one travels at when falling also makes a difference in the overall damage and severity of the wound. Therefore, Clippit is misleading us, just as he is being misled, by those idiotic, un-thinkers with a bad sense of humor way up in the corporate mess of the Microsoft Corporation.