Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Don't Judge

It's only the third day of the semester and I already know which classes are my least favorite. Now, I did give them a chance. Before the semester started, I had foreboding feelings about them. The reviews I had heard concerning the professors were rather disconcerting, but knowing that I often differ greatly from popular opinion, I resolved to give them a chance. Similarly, the material, in my opinion and experience, is less than well presented and received in a college atmosphere, but still, Miracles Happen, and I'm open to them happening.

Or, well, I was open to them. It’s been three days, and my mind is closed. Spanish and Morality/Ethics are my least favorite classes. They are also the only classes I have four days a week, consequentially ruining my Tuesdays. Religion is a bullshit department and Spanish cannot be taught in a full classroom through a writing-based syllabus. Of this I am sure.

Take that, Michel de Montaigne! I have not only judged my classes, I have condemned them. The teachers are intelligent, they are passionate, and they take roll. But I think that these classes will benefit me no more than the credits they will endow upon my transcript in their completed form. They will (hopefully) harm me no more than a "B" calculated into my GPA. And life goes on...